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Health care centre

You can get medical examinations, child immunisations, pregnancy check-ups, advising on health, child development, nutrition and other services at the health care centre.


The health care centre follows children from birth until they are school-age, and the municipality is responsible for the centre. The health care centre does important preventive work and follow-up of children in potentially difficult life situations, and engages in valuable work together with kindergartens, general practitioners and the child welfare services. You can receive guidance and advising at the health care centre about

  • Your child’s motor development and psychosocial development
  • Breast feeding and breast milk
  • Vaccinations
  • Nutrition
  • Language development
  • Dental health
  • Parenting
  • Relationships
  • Communication and interaction
  • Violence, abuse and neglect 

The health care centre puts an emphasis on preventive health care. The health visitor can also make house calls.

Target group

Children and youth ages 0-20, pregnant women and parents/guardians.

Charges/Cost of the service

The service is free.


This is a statutory service. See

Chapter 3 of the Health Care Act

Chapter 7 of the Patient Rights Act.

Forskrift om helsestasjons- og skolehelsetjenesten
Helse- og omsorgstjenesteloven
Pasient- og brukerrettighetsloven

Guidelines – applying for, or receiving the service

After you have given birth, the health care centre will contact you and arrange a time for either a home visit or a follow-up visit to the centre. You will be sent a reminder to get vaccinations and regular check-ups for your child. 

Possibilities to appeal; procedure

If you feel that you are not receiving the necessary assistance, or are dissatisfied with how the service is rendered, you can submit a complaint to the municipality or directly to the service provider. Explain why you are dissatisfied and what changes you would like to see.

Tjenesten oppdatert: 04.05.2020 21:42